unique / one of a kind

The Explore50 experience..

Our mission is to listen to the explorer and create an exclusive 50 state exploration database.

With your help we can find every unique one of a kind location and/or experience each state has to offer.

After we hit 1 million likes we will be awarding all inclusive trips in each state to those who posted the most "Liked" locations and/or experiences. We will be doing to the same for randomly selected "Likers" of the top locations.

The most liked, talked about and popular locations or experiences will make the specific state Album. The selected locations or experiences will ultimately find there way on our website. "You" the user will ultimately tell everyone else about the hidden gems in each state.

As a reminder...  Once we have 50 unique, one of a kind locations and/or experiences in each state we will launch the final website. The website will be a fun, searchable, and interactive experience in itself that you the explorer will have created!